Home Forums Attraction Experiences Wildwood Devon

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    We are regular’s to wildwood devon as it’s a pleasent place just to stroll through on a sunny day, I have found the animal enclosures are easily veiwable from any height bar the owl enclosure where there is a fence that is roughly 70cm tall so if the owls are on the ground smaller children and those in wheel chairs may struggle to see them, the pathways are mostly level and their is wheelchair access throughout however one of the lower pathways does have steps so you will have to take a different route to get to the otters but it doesnt add much time on. There is only 1 disabled toilet in the cafe which at most is 5 minutes away from anywhere in the park. the pathways are dirt in most area’s so when it’s wet it is a bit harder to push a buggy or wheelchair around, the maze does have steps in so not wheelchair accessible, the staff are friendly and very informative on the animals and plants throughout the park and more than willing to help the guests. overall I would reccomend wildwood to anybody because even guests in wheelchairs and mobility scooters can access 90% of the attraction, inluding all the animal enclosures,the nature trail as the pathways are level with very slight inclines in places, and the saxon village.

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